UFB Labs-UNLOCKing THE POWER OF nanobubble through application r&d

Super-saturated levels of dissolved oxygen creates better plant health

Find out how high-quality irrigation water with super-saturated levels of dissolved oxygen creates better root zone conditions, plant health

Our Expertise In Agriculture

Explore the fundamentals, benefits, and research of nanobubbles.

three pink tulip flowers
three pink tulip flowers
  • Easy to maintain optimal DO

  • Higher hatching rate

  • Reduced early mortality

green plant on black soil
green plant on black soil
  • Reduces Early Mortality Syndrome

  • Growing faster

  • Higher productivity and quality

  • Cleaner & free of debris

  • Improve taste

  • Higher market value

  • Cleaner & healthier

  • Reduction of smell

Nanobubbles Research & Development Insights

Appropriate supply of dissolved oxygen contributes to the increase in the income of fish farmers by increasing production and maintaining longer freshness.

Promote Sustainability

It reduces aquatic stock stress, allows sustainable intensification of aquaculture production and higher stocking densities, and results in better feeding with lower feed conversion ratios. Furthermore, the likelihood of pathogen disease outbreaks is mitigated. This all translates into greater productivity and improved aquaculture unit profitability from aquaculture production units

Proven Benefits

Nanobubble technology go beyond efficiently increasing dissolved oxygen levels. Thanks to their electrochemically charged surface, they attach themselves and degrade organic contaminants, allowing fish farmers to reduce chemicals and antibiotics, and can be used to remediate the seabed under fish farming sites.

a field of flowers with a house in the background

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Reach out for inquiries regarding nanobubbles or our research.