UFB Labs-UNLOCKing THE POWER OF nanobubble through application r&d

Greener Agriculture with Chemical Free Nanobubbles for Better Crop Growth

Explore the fundamentals, benefits, and unique characteristics of nanobubbles with UFB Labs' research-backed approach.

Understanding how nanobubbles fueling healthier plant growth through unparalleled oxygenation, pathogen control, and improved root development.

The improved dissolved oxygen through oxygen nanobubbles activates root respiration and photosynthesis, which helps to improve productivity, improve quality, and reduce fertilizer usage.

red strawberries
red strawberries
Nanobubbles and DO
Crop Quality and Quantity

Nanobubbles are an innovative and sustainable irrigation technology fueling healthier plant growth through unparalleled oxygenation, pathogen control, and improved root development.

Nanobubbles Overview

Explore the fundamentals, benefits, and research of nanobubbles.

a large group of green plants growing in a field
a large group of green plants growing in a field
  • Maintain optimal dissolved oxygen

  • Productivity and quality improvement

  • Improving Farmers’ Income

selective focus photography of pathway between tomato plants
selective focus photography of pathway between tomato plants
Deep Water Culture
  • Fast growth rate

  • Improve quality and yield

  • Disease reduction

green snake on brown soil
green snake on brown soil
person watering plant
person watering plant
Unique Characteristics
  • Improve quality and yield

  • Healthy root zone

  • Disease reduction

Vegetable & Food Cleaning
  • Removal of pesticide residues

  • Keep fresh

Nanobubbles Insights

Explore the fundamentals, benefits, and unique characteristics of nanobubbles in various applications.

Shortened Harvest Time

One of the most significant benefits is the shortened harvest time. Nanobubbles are able to increase the level of dissolved oxygen in the water, which is essential for the growth and metabolism of plants.

a woman watering plants in a greenhouse
a woman watering plants in a greenhouse
Proven Benefits

Plants need water to live — but they need good-quality water to thrive. More oxygen near the root zone increases nutrient absorption and plant resistance to environmental stress. An oxygen-enriched root zone improves root mass, increases uptake of key nutrients like calcium and potassium, and helps suppress pathogenic growth.

green plants
green plants
green plants

Contact Us

Reach out for inquiries regarding nanobubbles or our research.